Every 4 months Dino and I head to Vancouver to the ALS Centre at G.F. Strong Rehab. It's the largest rehabilitation hospital in B.C. It is there that I meet with my team of ALS Specialists. I see a Neurologist, an RN, a Physio Therapist and a Social Worker. The whole process usually takes about 3 hours. We had our puppy Dolce with us so were there a little longer this time; Dr.'s and nurses kept popping into the room to meet this adorable puppy they were hearing about.
At the end of February, I had my third appointment. I left feeling encouraged and with some helpful tips and things to work on. Here is the breakdown of that appointment:
I was asked if my symptoms had progressed. Unfortunately, I had to say yes.
Do you know that feeling when your eye twitches for no reason? I have that feeling from my right hand, all up my right arm and shoulder and down the right side of the trunk of my body. It pretty much doesn't go away. I get some twitching in my right leg and have also developed weakness in my right foot and toes. I've also noticed that my right leg and knee just feel less strong in general. If I squat down to get something I need to hold onto something to get myself back up to a standing position. There is also this strange occurrence when I am quite tired or hungry where my legs will shake uncontrollably; usually just one but occasionally both. It doesn't happen all that often, but when it does, it feels bizarre. My fatigue is still very present and most days I just don't have a tonne of energy.
It was a general check in and the main concern was whether or not I was having any changes in my breathing. Which I was pleased to say was not an issue. (I also see a Respirologist in Victoria).
She made reference to the neurologist that my right fingers were shaking a bit. I'm still not sure if there was any significance to that. I was shown and sent home with 6 different exercises to help maintain my range of motion. I am to complete them 3 times a day with 5 reps each. For example, the fingers on my right hand now naturally stay in a curled in position. I am to bend them back and hold them there for a few seconds to try and prevent them from curling so much.
I also purchased walking poles. You know, the ones you see the hard core walkers with. Well, look out world, Lisa is about to make that pole a hip and cool trend that all the cool kids will be talking about. Haha, I crack myself up. I actually only need to use one. It's to take the pressure off my left knee and hip which has been compensating due to the decreased strength on my right side. For now I will take it to Italy with me (so excited!) and on longer walks. It was either a walking pole or a cane, and I just don't feel like I'm a cane sort of gal.
Social Worker
In a nut shell, we brushed on family issues (which anyone with two teenagers might have) and we started to plan my funeral. This is encouraged and I'm glad I am starting to make known my wishes. This is something we will all have to think about sooner or later. I will plan and pay for mine now so that when I die at 99 it's easy button for everyone!
I am back for my next G.F. appointment on July 5th. That feels like a ways away but as we all know, it'll be here before we know it. Shorts, sandles, sunnies....I can hardly wait.